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Module 10

10.1 Regulatory Framework
        Role of International Civil Aviation Organisation;
        The Aircraft Act and Rules made there under
        Role of the DGCA;
        Relationship between CAR-21, CAR-M, CAR-145, CAR-66, CAR 147
        The Aircraft Rules ( Applicable to Aircraft Maintenance and Release)
       Aeronautical Information Circulars ( Applicable to Aircraft Maintenance and Release)
       CAR Sections 1 and 2

10.2 CAR-66 Certifying Staff - Maintenance
        Detailed understanding of CAR-66.

10.3 CAR-145 — Approved Maintenance Organisations
        Detailed understanding of CAR-145 and CAR M Subpart F

10.4 Aircraft Operations
       Commercial Air Transport/Commercial Operations
       Air Operators Certificates;
       Operators Responsibilities, in particular regarding continuing airworthiness and maintenance;
       Documents to be carried on board;
       Aircraft Placarding (Markings);

10.5 Aircraft Certification
  (a) General
       Certification rules: such as FAA & EACS 23/25/27/29;
       Type Certification;
       Supplemental Type Certification;
       CAR-21 Design/Production Organisation Approvals.
       Aircraft Modifications and repairs approval and certification
       Permit to fly requirements
 (b) Documents
      Certificate of Airworthiness;
      Certificate of Registration;
      Noise Certificate;
      Weight Schedule;
      Radio Station Licence and Approval.

10.6 CAR-M
        Detail understanding of CAR M provisions related to Continuing Airworthiness
        Detailed understanding of CAR-M.

10.7 Applicable National and International Requirements
  (a) Maintenance Programme, Maintenance checks and inspections;
       Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum Equipment
       List, Dispatch Deviation Lists;
       Airworthiness Directives;
       Service Bulletins, manufacturers service information;
       Modifications and repairs;
       Maintenance documentation: maintenance manuals, structural repair manual,
       illustrated parts catalogue, etc.;
 (b) Continuing airworthiness;
       Test flights;
       ETOPS /EDTO , maintenance and dispatch requirements;
       RVSM, maintenance and dispatch requirements
       RNP, MNPS Operations
       All Weather Operations,
      Category 2/3 operations and minimum equipment requirements.

10.8 Safety Management System
       State Safety Programme
       Basic Safety Concepts
       Hazards & Safety Risks
       SMS Operation
       SMS Safety performance
       Safety Assurance

10.9 Fuel Tank Safety
       Special Federal Aviation Regulations (SFARs) from 14 CFR SFAR 88 of the FAA
        and of JAA TGL 47
      Concept of CDCCL,
      Airworthiness Limitations Items (ALI)


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