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Propeller Question and Answers


What is the purpose of the propeller?

Which area of the propeller blade is referred to as the back?

Define blade angle?

What is the term given to the gradual twist of a propeller blade from shank to tip?

What is a ground adjustable propeller?

What is the major advantage associated with reversing propeller?

How many spirit levels are centered when adjusting the propeller protractor?

What is the smallest division than can be read with a propeller protractor?

What should be the condition of the cockpit controls before working near a propeller?

Can the magneto fire if the magneto switch is turned off?


Which FAR defines the different classes of maintenance for the propeller system?

What information is required to be on the hub or blade butt of a propeller?

Why is the static RPM for a fixe pitch propeller less than tachometer redline?

Is the propeller control or throttle control in the cockpit used to place the propeller i the reverse?

What is the color of the arc on the tachometer which indicated a critical vibration range?

What is the minimum ground clearance  for the propeller on a tricycle geared aircraft?

What are the requirements for a feathering system that uses engine oil to feather the propeller?

What licenses or certificate is required to perform or supervise the major repair of a propeller?

Is the repair of a governor a major or minor repair?

What maintenance form will be supplied with an overhauled propeller?


Is the lowest propeller blade angle near the shank or tip?

What is pitch distribution?

What a fixed RPM, does propeller blade angle of attack increase or decrease as airspeed increases?

What is the most desirable blade angle of attack?

What is the greatest force acting on a propeller?

Why are some propeller blades tilted?

What force tends to decrease propeller blade angle?

What is the most critical location for vibrational stresses on a propeller blade?

How is critical range indicated in the cockpit?

What is effective pitch?


what type of wood is most commonly used in constructing wood propeller blades?

what is the purpose of the tip fabric on  wood propeller blade?

What is the purpose of the holes in the tip of a wood propeller?

How can loose screws and rivets be detected on metal tipping?

If the outer lamination of a wood fixed-pitch propeller is starting to separate, can it be repaired or must the propeller be scraped?

What is the proper way to store a wood propeller?

List some advantages of aluminum propellers over wood propellers?

Why must surface defects be repaired promptly on a metal propeller?

What solution should be used to clean a metal propeller?

On which part of a propeller blade are all the stresses concentrated?

What type of repair is the removal of a slight scratch on a steel blade?

Brake down the following designation 1C172/DM7553?


what are the two purposes for applying a lubricant to the crankshaft flange before installing the propeller?

Why is the ten O'clock/four O'clock position suggest.ed when installing a propeller on a four cylinder horizontally  opposed engine?

What is the purpose of the propeller hub?

When checking for proper seating with Prussian Blue, what is the minimum amount of contact?

What is the purpose of the snap ring in a tapered-shaft installation?

What is the maximum amount of penetration allowed when checking a splined shaft with a go-no-go  gauge?

What is the purpose of the cones in a splined shaft installation?

What is rear cone bottoming and how it is corrected?

What is the maximum allowable out of track for light aircraft metal propeller?

How may the propeller track be corrected?

What device is used to safety a splined shaft installation?

What is the most likely cause of vibration associated with a wood propeller that has been in storage for a period of time?


How are the blades of a ground adjustable propeller retained in the hub?

What deices are used to hold the  hub halves together if steel blades are used?

Which devices must be loosened before the blade angles can be adjusted?

What types of pencil my be used to mark the hub and blades?

If the blade angles are being adjusted with the propeller on the aircraft, why may the angles ave to be adjusted tow or more times?

What is an acceptable difference in blade angle between the blades?

Which areas of the hub should be inspected with dye penetrant?

When should the propeller be overhauled?


Name the two forces that will cause an increase in blade angle on an Aeromatic(R) Propeller?

What two factors influence blade angle of attack?

As the aircraft transitions from climb to cruise with the same throttle setting, will blade angle increase or decrease?

What is the purpose of the segmented syncronizer gear?

What temporary repair may be made for a small crack in the plastic coating?

What would be the result if the propeller were serviced with too much oil?

What preparations are necessary before placing the propeller in storage?

If the operational RPM is too high, are weights added to or removed from the counterweights?

Why must the propeller spinner be installed when flight testing the propeller for RPM adjustment?

What should be done with the propeller if the tack is out by more than 1/8 inch?


What type of cockpit control is used to operate a Beech-Roby propeller?

How is the blade angle range adjusted on the propeller?

What operational condition would indicate a need to replace the control cable?

What is used to lubricate the gears of the pinion gear and drive gear?


What size shaft does a Hamilton standard 2D30-145 propeller fit?

What force is used to increase propeller blade angle?

Is the cockpit propeller control moved forward or rearward to increase blade angle?

List the three reasons that a Hamilton standard counterweight propeller is shut down in high blade angle?

Which component of the propeller serves as the retaining nut?

What are the stop pin settings for a ten-degree range two position propeller indexed for 28 degrees nd requiring angles of 27 degrees and 21 degrees?

What is the tolerance for the high blade angle setting of the counterweight propeller?

What are Welch bolts used for?

What is wet balancing?

When must a third stop nut be installed on the index pin?


Which component of a constant speed system is considered an RPM sensing device?

What is the purpose of the governor pilot valve?

What components of the governor opposes the force of the speeder spring?

During constant speed operation, if the cockpit propeller control is moved forward, will blade angle increase or decrease?

If an aircraft with a constant speed is in cruising flight and the aircraft enters a climb, will propeller blade angle increase or decrease?

In cruising flight, if the propeller control is pulled aft, what change in manifold pressure will occur?

When rotating a governor driveshaft by hand during the pre-installation inspections, a smooth resistance to rotation is felt. What does this indicate and what maintenance action must be perform?

What is the position of the screen on the governor mounting gasket during installation?

what is an acceptable amount of cockpit control cushion when rigging the governor?

What is the purpose of a governor balance spring?

What would be the result of sludge building up in the governor?

Presuming that all the components are adjusted correctly, what will cause momentary over-speeding of the propeller during takeoff?

What forces are used to change the blade angle of a McCauley constant-speed propeller?

What is the purpose of the oil-filled hubs used in some McCauley propeller designs?

How many times may the fiber lock nuts be used to attach the propeller to the crankshaft?

Were is an oil leak most likely to occur on a newly installed McCauley propeller?

If oil is found coming from the dowel pin breather hole in a McCauley propeller, what is a likely cause?

What is the most apparent difference between a Hartzell compact propeller and a steel hub propeller?

What forces are used to operate a Hartzell compact propeller?

How is the low blade angle of Hartzell Steel  Hub propeller adjusted?

What precautions should be taken before greasing a Hartzell  propeller blade?

What will cause grease to leak from the Hartzell propeller blade?


What forces are used to feather the McCauley propeller?

What is the purpose of the accumulator in the light aircraft feathering systems?

What are the two shapes of the accumulator?

If an accumulator is not used in a light aircraft feathering system, what pilot technique may help to unfeather the propeller in flight?

What is the approximate air pressure in an accumulator?

What forces may be used to feather the Hartzell compact propeller?

What cockpit procedure is followed to feather the propeller on a light aircraft?

What are the three major assemblies used in a Hydromatic propeller?

Which hydromatic propeller assembly contains the propeller pith-changing mechanism?

What is the purpose of the high pressure transfer valve on the Hydromatic governor?

Which hydromatic governor component automatically terminates the feathering action?

What force opposes governor oil pressure in the hydromatic propeller?

During which Hydromatic propeller operation does the distributor valve shift?

What is the position of the hydromatic propeller position when installing the pitch stop rings?

What is the position of the Hydromatic propeller blades when the dome assembly is installed on the barrel assembly?


What are some advantages of using reversing propellers?

What is the main disadvantage of using reversing propellers on reciprocating engine powered aircraft?

Which cockpit control is used to control the reversing operation?

Normally, what condition must exist before the propellers can be reversed?

What force(s) is/are used to increase propeller blade angle with a Hartzell steel hub reversing propeller?

For the TPE-331 installation, which engine accessories are used to control system RPM?

For the TPE-331 installation, which engine accessories are used to control propeller blade angle?

What does Beta mode of operation indicate?

What does the feathering valve do when it is moved in the TPE-331 installation?

What does the condition lever adjust for the TPE-331 installation in the Beta Mode? In the Alpha Mode?

Does the TPE-331 propeller or the PT6 propeller normally shutdown in the feathering position?

In which component of the PT6 reversing system is the Beta control valve located?

What governor component in the PT6 system is used to feather the propeller in flight?

What is the purpose of the low pitch stop-lever assembly in the reversing Hydromatic system?

what angles are set by the stop rings in the reversing Hydromatic propeller?

Which system pump is used to keep the reversing Hydromatic propeller in reverse/

What is the purpose of the squat switch in the reversing Hydromatic propeller?

As far as the governor is concerned in the reversing Hydromatic system, reversing is the same as?


Which ice elimination system prevents ice from forming?

What fluids may be used in an anti-icing system?

What is the purpose of the rheostat in the anti-icing system?

How are anti-icing feed shoes attached to the propeller baldes?

What is the purpose of the Full De-ice mode in a de-icing system?

What components are used to transfer the electrical power from the engine nose case to the propeller in a de-icing system?

Why is a null period included in the timing sequence in a de-icing timer?

What is the purpose of a master control system?

What is meant by calibrating the master control system?

What devices may be used to sense system RPM in a synchronization system?

Which engine is the normally the master engine on a twin engine aircraft?

what is the purpose of the re-synchronization button ?

What is synchrophasing?

Which components of the automatic feathering systems are bypassed during a normal ground operational check?

What is the purpose of the time delay unit in the auto-feather system?

What is the purpose of the pitch lock mechanism?

Which valve in the pitch lock mechanism closes during normal takeoff?

What routine maintenance can be performed on the pitch lock mechanism?

What fluids may be used  from propeller operation with ab IOCA?

Which components on the IOCA may be placed in the field?


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