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Cessna - 172

What is Cessna-172: Cessna-172 is a small training aircraft. This aircraft is one of the largest production aircraft mainly used to provide pilot training.

Details: Cessna-172 is made on all metal semimonococoque, high wing construction. The wings are supported by wing strut so called as semi cantilever construction.

Landing gear: tricycle type with Fixed main landing gear and oleo pneumatic nose landing gear

Seating Capacity: four seat 

Engine: Single engine (Lycoming - Direct Drive) fitted on nose of the aircraft 

Propeller (model): McCauley - Fixed pitch

Fuel Capacity: Total 200 liters (each tank 100 liters)

Airframe control surfaces: Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder, Flaps, Trim Tax and Fixed tab

Engine Controls: Throttle Control, Fuel Mixture control

Cabin Ventilation: Cabin Air control to provide more cool air and 
                               Cabin heat control to provide hot air

Cockpit: two versions:- 1) Analog type (Instruments) and 2) Digital type(Garmin Display)

1) Analog type (Instruments):  
Instruments fitted: 
Airspeed, Altimeter, Vertical speed indicator
Attitude gyro, Directional gyro, suction Gauge, turn coordinator
RPM Indicator, Oil Temperature indicator, EGT, CHT
Fuel Qty Gauge, Out side temperature gauge
Depend on aircraft serial number there may be vary in number of instruments fitted

2) Digital type (Garmin Display):
In this version, there are two Garmin displays (G1000). Both the displays are same mode.
a) Left side display is called PFD (Primary flight display) and 
b) Right side display is called MFD (Multi function display)

Along with this two displays, there are three instrument available (Standby by instruments)
Airspeed indicator, Altimeter and Attitude Gyro. Incase of electrical failure, the pilot can continue his flying based on these Standby by instruments.

Radio and Navigation: 

Two Radio/Nav Units
and ELT transmitter


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